This document is not official Crossref documentation
PATH = items/array/review(1)
Occurs 340 964 times
- A route to an element, for example:
The route "items/array/review" corresponds to navigating through the JSON indices as
graph LR
1 --> 2
1 --> 3
1 --> 4
3 --> 5
See more information: items/array/review/competing-interest-statement
Occurs 933 timess
Unique values: 91
Due to current limitations, strings longer than 1,000 characters are truncated, which may lead to inaccurate calculations.
Row | ValueString |
CountInt64 |
1 | Conflict of interest: None declared. | 334 |
2 | Reviewer declares none. | 292 |
3 | Reviewer declares none | 68 |
4 | No competing interests were declared | 66 |
5 | There were no competing interests | 22 |
6 | There were no competing\n\t\t\t\tinterests | 12 |
7 | I have no competing interests with the author | 12 |
8 | none. | 7 |
9 | None. | 7 |
10 | There were no competing\n interests | 6 |
... | ... | ... |
See more information: items/array/review/language
Occurs 80 176 timess
Unique values: 1
Row | ValueString |
CountInt64 |
1 | en | 80 176 |
See more information: items/array/review/recommendation
Occurs 38 093 timess
Unique values: 4
Row | ValueString |
CountInt64 |
1 | minor-revision | 17 290 |
2 | major-revision | 15 458 |
3 | accept | 2 713 |
4 | reject | 2 632 |
See more information: items/array/review/revision-round
Occurs 228 402 timess
Unique values: 17
Row | ValueString |
CountInt64 |
1 | 2 | 90 627 |
2 | 1 | 88 708 |
3 | 3 | 31 213 |
4 | 4 | 9 417 |
5 | 5 | 3 497 |
6 | 0 | 2 665 |
7 | 6 | 1 397 |
8 | 7 | 575 |
9 | 8 | 190 |
10 | 9 | 73 |
... | ... | ... |
See more information: items/array/review/running-number
Occurs 267 375 timess
Unique values: 235
Row | ValueString |
CountInt64 |
1 | E1V1 | 26 849 |
2 | E1V2 | 25 225 |
3 | PR1V1 | 21 754 |
4 | A1V2 | 19 220 |
5 | RC1 | 16 384 |
6 | RC2 | 15 990 |
7 | AC1 | 15 446 |
8 | PR2V1 | 14 173 |
9 | AC2 | 12 872 |
10 | E1V3 | 10 324 |
... | ... | ... |
See more information: items/array/review/stage
Occurs 339 008 timess
Unique values: 2
Row | ValueString |
CountInt64 |
1 | pre-publication | 338 088 |
2 | post-publication | 920 |
See more information: items/array/review/type
Occurs 297 160 timess
Unique values: 5
Row | ValueString |
CountInt64 |
1 | referee-report | 133 353 |
2 | editor-report | 81 635 |
3 | author-comment | 78 424 |
4 | community-comment | 3 411 |
5 | aggregate | 337 |